

Kyoko Kato

I worked at a translation company until 2010 before taking up my current occupation as a freelance translator and proof-reader.
I also offer teaching courses related to translation work and English on request.

Practical Experiences

■Translation (publications)


Corporate Explorer: How Corporations Beat Startups at the Innovation Game. by Andrew Binns, Charles A. O’Reilly, Michael Tushman
Translated title: コーポレート・エクスプローラー――新規事業の探索と組織変革をリードし、「両利きの経営」を実現する4つの原則 (Eiji Press)

Find Your Red Thread: Make Your Big Ideas Irresistible. by Tamsen Webster

Translated title: ストーリー説得術 人を動かす5つの実践ステップ (Direct Publishing,inc)
Almost Alchemy: How to Use Dynamic Financial Efficiencies & Strategies to Make Any Business of Any Size Produce More from Fewer and Less. by Dan S. Kennedy
Translated title: ダン・ケネディのビジネス錬金術 事業の投資効率を上げる17の戦略 (Direct Publishing,inc)

Magnetic Marketing: How to Attract a Flood of New Customers That Pay, Stay, and Refer. by Dan S. Kennedy

Translated title: マグネティック・マーケティング (Direct Publishing,inc)

Ultimate Guide to Google Ads. by Perry Marshall, Mike Rhodes, Bryan Tod

Translated title: Google広告「超」集客術 (Direct Publishing,inc)


The Bezos Letters: 14 Principles to Grow Your Business Like Amazon. by Steve Anderson, Karen Anderson
Translated title: ベゾス・レター:アマゾンに学ぶ14ヵ条の成長原則 (Subarusya Corporation)

Customer Success: How Innovative Companies Are Reducing Churn and Growing Recurring Revenue. By Dan Steinman, Lincoln Murphy, and Nick Mehta.

Translated title: カスタマーサクセス――サブスクリプション時代に求められる「顧客の成功」10の原則 (Translated by Virtualex Consulting, Inc.) (Eiji Press)
[Translation Assistance]

・Translated title: イエレンFRB副議長公聴会スピーチ全文 [Kindle Edition] (GOMA-BOOKS Co. Ltd.)
*Full transcript of the speech by then Vice Chair Janet Yellen just prior to becoming the Chair, in which she outlined the guiding principles of how she hoped to develop America’s future economy.

A Dog of Flanders. By Marie Louise de la Ramée (Ouida).
Translated title: フランダースの犬  [Kindle Edition] (GOMA-BOOKS Co. Ltd.)

How you can talk to anyone in every situation. By Emma Sargent.
Translated title: 話す力―英国式スキルアップ (Translated by Dai Natsume) (Pearson Kirihara K.K.)
[Translation Assistance]
Making Business Presentations: How to deliver a winning message. By Philip Khan-Panni.
Translated title: ビジネスプレゼンテーション―記憶に残るメッセージを届ける方法 (Translated by Dai Natsume) (Pearson Kirihara K.K.)
[Translation Assistance]

The Music Instinct: How Music Works and Why We Can’t Do Without It. By Philip Ball.
Translated title: 音楽の科学—音楽の何に魅せられるのか? (Translated by Dai Natsume) (Kawade Shobo Shinsha Publishers)
[Translation Assistance]
Macro Wikinomics: New Solutions for a Connected Planet. By Don Tapscott and Anthony Williams.
Translated title: マクロウィキノミクス  (Translated by Dai Natsume) (Discover 21, Inc.)
[Translation Assistance]

・Brochure and panels at a Leonardo da Vinci exhibition
[Translation Assistance]

■Translation (business)

・NewsPicks (refer to here): business, IT, technology, environment, etc.
・Forbes Japan (refer to here): science, engineering, IT, architecture, tourism, etc.
・Oceans (refer to here): tourism, sports, etc.
・Customer manuals (automobiles, construction machinery, water purification system)
・Employee manuals (marketing, customer service, self-development, etc.)
・Public relations (automobiles, musical instrument)
・International aid reports

■Translation-related work

・2010 – present: translation proof-reading (on a broad range of subject areas including manuals for automobiles and FA (factory automation) instrument, catalogs, settlement documents, etc.)
・2008 – 2010: translation coordinator and project manager


・2014 – present: training on proof-reading translations (held several times a year at the request of translation companies)
・2012 – present: lecture on translation work (held roughly once a year at the request Aichi Prefectural University to talk about my experiences as a translator in a seminar format)
・2010 – 2013: English language teaching at a private cram-school (junior high school and high school students)
・2007: computer operation lessons for beginners at a computer school
・2005 – 2007: English lessons and the management of students’ studies as an employee of Chuo Publishing (individual management of studies through daily phone and FAX correspondences with high school students studying with the goal to pass STEP EIKEN with Grades 2 to 4. On-site English lessons conducted every season)
・2003 – 2004, 2007: private tutoring (English lessons for junior high school students)


・2013 – 2014: astronomy lectures on the theory of relativity and the history of space (online course) @ Kyoto Niji-Koubou
・2013: seminar on FA instruments @ Omron
・2009 – 2013: lectures on the translation of nonfiction publications @ Fellow Academy
・2008: lectures on writing synopses of mystery fiction works for translation (correspondence course) @ Fellow Academy
・2006 – 2009: lectures on publication and business translations (correspondence course) @ Fellow Academy
・2000 – 2004: Bachelor of Foreign Studies with a major in American and British politics, economy, culture and history @ Aichi Prefectural University

Fields of Interest

Regional development, international aid
Astronomy (I was a member of the astronomy club as a student and am currently still continuing personal studies on the subject area)
History (particular expertise in Ancient Roman history, the Italian Renaissance, and 18th – 19th century British history)
Education (I used to work in the education industry and have particular expertise in English education as well as intellectual training for infants and children)
Sports (in particular baseball, golf, and figure-skating)
・Mystery fiction: all American and British mystery fiction works


・STEP EIKEN (English Proficiency Test): Grade Pre-1 (2007)
・TOEIC: 885 points (2018)

Translated by Misaki Imagawa

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